Also read: Bank of Canada careers

Emploi Quebec (Québec Jobs)

Quebec is the eastern province of Canada where French is the most spoken language in the region. If you are a French speaker that it will be so much easy to land you’re your first job. It has a lot of both part-time and full-time jobs. 

Employer Name: Canada Job Bank
Position: various
No. of vacancies: 382
Salary: $388.00 – $8860.00 per month
Employment type: Full time

Quebec Contributes around 19.65% of the total GDP of Canada. Some of the major industry includes Agriculture, Mining, Tourism, Hydroelectricity, and Forestry. Here are some of the popular jobs around Quebec and their salaries:

1. Registered Nurse: A registered nurse with a year or more experience can easily get this job. There are a lot of hospitals that are always in search of nurses.
Average Salary: $60,000 to $80,000

2. Sales Development Manager: If you have a degree related to management and with years of experience in it. Then, you can easily land this job.
Average Salary: $65,000 to $85,000

3. Project Manager: The project manager is another most in- demand job in Quebec. There is a lot of small and big firm who are always in search for project manager. People having a couple of years of experience can easily land this job.
Average Salary: $70,000 to $80,000

4. Teacher: Teacher is another popular job as Quebec is the home to some of the top university of Canada. Anyone who has degree from recognizes university can easily land their first job.
Average Salary: $60,000 to $75,000

5. Construction Crew: Quebec capital Montreal is one of the fastest- growing cities in Canada. So, if you have some years of experience then you can easily get a job as a construction crew.
Average Salary: $18.00 per hour

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