Trade Compliance Verification

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Employer Name: Canada Border Services Agency
Trade Compliance Verification
$69,423 to $77,302/ year
Employment type:
Permanent employment, Full time
Ranks of Chefs:

Also hiring: Server – food and beverage services

Hiring: Trade Compliance Verification

Job Descriptions

  • At the point when you apply to this determination cycle, you are not going after a particular position, however to a stock for future opportunities. As positions become accessible, candidates who meet the capabilities might be reached for additional evaluation.
  • The Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Core Public Administration (CPA) Including the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will be suspended as of June 20, 2022. Government representatives of the CPA will presently not be expected to be inoculated as a state of business.
  • This follows a survey of the ongoing general wellbeing circumstance, eminently the development of the infection and immunization rates in Canada.
  • An incentive for Duty: Officers decide the traditions worth of imported merchandise as per Sections 45 to 55 of the Customs Act. To do this, officials check whether the worth announced by the inhabitant or non-occupant shipper is reliable with the business reports as well as with the monetary records and additionally some other monetary archives given by the merchant. This sort of confirmation for the most part requires an on location visit.
  • Exchange Incentive Program, all the more explicitly the Duties Relief Program: Officers decide the qualification of organizations as expected by the program. Upon capability, merchants are conceded a permit number that approves them to import merchandise without paying obligation under the condition that the products will be traded. The check of this program should be possible by on location visits, where the officials confirm the organization’s business global positioning frameworks, as well as every one of the monetary records to approve sends out, Canadian deals and obligations owed.
  • Beginning Determination : Officers decide the beginning and appropriate levy treatment for products brought into and sent out from Canada, as per the guidelines set up by the international alliances in force. Officials investigate creation cycles and expenses joined to the production of merchandise. Bookkeeping information is a resource. This kind of confirmation should once in a while be possible in on location visits, both in Canada and abroad. Officials utilize the traditions levy and the particular standards of beginning of each international alliance.
  • Duty Classification: Officers check, as per area 32.2 (1) of the Customs Act, the levy arrangement pronounced by shippers for brought merchandise into Canada. Moreover, they render duty grouping choices to bringing in organizations upon demand. The Customs Tariff is the primary device for doing these choices.
  • Line Information Services (BIS): Officers answer complex Level 2 inquiries from interior and outer clients on an assortment of CBSA programs, chiefly Trade activities related and are doled out other Trade tasks programs conveyance errands

Job Requirements

  • For FB-04 positions 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 :

Effective consummation of two years of a post-optional program in a field, for example, Accounting, Finance, Business organization, Math, Management registering, International Trade or Law or an OK blend of schooling, preparing as well as experience.

  • For AU-02/AU-03 positions 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 :

Graduation with a degree* from a perceived post-optional establishment with satisfactory specialization in bookkeeping, business organization, trade, money or some other specialty pertinent to the position.

  • 𝐅𝐁 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬: staff something similar or comparable situations, with different residencies, security necessities, different work areas or potentially language prerequisites at Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for the Quebec locale (for instance: Regional Program Officer or Intelligence Analyst).
  • 𝐀𝐔 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬: staff something similar or comparable situations, with different residencies, security necessities, different work areas as well as language prerequisites at the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for the National Capital Region.
  • For FB-04 positions 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘:

One year of involvement or more in evaluating and breaking down bookkeeping records and monetary reports as a component of the essential obligations of a position.

One year of involvement or more in utilizing MS Excel (equations, turn tables, capabilities, macros).

For 𝐀𝐋𝐋 positions: One year of involvement or additional going with choices in quarrelsome or complex cases


For AU-02/AU-03 positions 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 :

Late and critical experience* in the presentation of at least one of the accompanying capabilities:

Leading and overseeing reviews;

Arrangement of corporate or trust expense forms;

Organization of corporate bookkeeping arrangements and shows.

Two (2) years inside the five (5) last a long time for up-and-comers with an advanced education;

Three (3) years inside the five (5) last a long time for competitors with a college degree;

Five (5) years inside the five (5) last a long time for up-and-comers with a school confirmation or a satisfactory blend of instruction, preparing or potentially experience.

Graduation with a degree from a perceived post-optional establishment.

Graduation with a degree with a focus in Accounting from a perceived post-optional foundation.

Graduation with a degree from a perceived post-optional foundation with a specialization** in bookkeeping.

School Diploma in bookkeeping from a perceived post-optional establishment.

Graduation with a degree from a perceived post-optional foundation in Law.

Graduation with a degree from a perceived post-optional establishment in criminal science, political theory, humanism, humanities, brain research.

Contracted Professional Accountant (CPA)

Confirmed in Financial Forensics (CPA is an essential)

Confirmed Fraud Examiner (no CPA required)

Other certificate connected with the position being staffed.

Work Setting

The candidate will be required to work in Restaurant or Bar

Work Conditions and Physical Capabilities

Is it safe to say that you are searching for an astonishing and testing an open door in the field of Trade and Compliance check of importations?

In the event that indeed, we believe that you should be important for our group. We are searching for energetic and spurred people with significant information, abilities and experience to join the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA) in the Quebec locale as Senior Officer Trade Compliance in the Trade Operations Division (TOD).

Work Location Information

The candidate will be required to work in Canada.

How to Apply

If you are interested in applying, apply through the given options.

By email

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