Employment Insurance (EI) benefits in Canada

Also read: Lifeguard jobs in Ontario

What is EI?

Employment Insurance (EI) is an administration subsidized program that helps individuals who are laid off or incapable to work because of an assortment of reasons like disease, pregnancy, or focusing on a relative. It gives impermanent monetary help just as a quest for new employment helps jobless individuals.

When to apply for EI?

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Applying when you get done with working is a brilliant thought. If you stand by longer than about a month after your last day of business, you may not be qualified. Managers have the alternative of quickly documenting your ROE with Service Canada on the web, yet ensure you ask your boss for this is because you’ll require it for your EI record. If a business neglects to record the ROE, their case for installments will be postponed.

What are the requirements to apply for EI?

To apply for regular benefits, you must submit the following documents:

  • ROE – From each job you’ve had in the previous year (52 weeks). You do not need a hard copy of your ROE if your company submits it electronically.
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN) – If your SIN begins with “9,” you’ll also need to produce proof of your immigration status and your work permit.
  • Personal identification – Your driver’s license, birth certificate, or passport, for example.
  • On your bank statement, you’ll see your complete bank account details. You can also bring a personal check and write “void” on it. This information is used by the government to transfer your payment directly into your bank account.
  • If you have quit or been fired from any employment in the recent year, give us your thorough description of the events (52 weeks).
  • Information about your most recent job, such as your salary (total earnings before deductions, including tips and commissions), gross earnings for the previous week (from Sunday to the last day worked), gross amounts received or to be received (vacation pay, severance pay, pension, pay instead of the 52 weeks notice or layoff), and other incomes.

You can still apply if some of these documents are lacking. This will aid in the avoidance of delays.

How to apply for EI?

Step-1 (How to get started)

  • After you’ve gone over the qualifying conditions, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Ready to Begin?”
  • You will be sent to the Privacy Statement. After you’ve gone over everything, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select “Start Application.”
  • If you’ve already begun an application, the first question will ask you to choose the best response for you.
  • After that, you must choose the type of Employee Insurance Benefits. “Employee benefits” will be claimed here. To continue, click Next.
  • Following that, it will inquire about a Reference Code. You will not be given a reference code; thus, select “No” and proceed.
  • The Benefit Type will be entered next. Choose the advantage that pertains to you the most. (Regular if you’ve been laid off, or Sickness if you’ve been quarantined, self- isolated, or come into contact with an infected person, for example.)
  • Following that, depending on the Benefit Type, you’ll see an overview of what you’ll need to supply during your application. This is most likely a reflection of the stuff you should have ready before you begin, such as your SIN card, direct deposit information, and so on.

Step-2 (Filling up Personal Information)

  • Fill in the following information:
  1. SIN
  2. First Name
  3. Last Name
  4. Date of Birth
  5. Name of the Person
  6. Gender
  7. Mother’s Maiden Name
  • double-check your identity.
  • A temporary password will be assigned to you. If you lose your place in the application, save this somewhere safe. This will allow you to pick up where you left off last time.
  • After that, fill up your personal information.
  • Double-check any applicable Programs and Services. Choose the options that pertain to you the most. After that, double-check your tax information. Choose the options that pertain to you the most
  • Fill out your direct deposit information next. If you’ve never applied for EI previously, choose “No” when asked if you’ve ever filed a claim via Direct Deposit. Choose the option that best applies to you when it comes to banking information.4
  • “Other Personal Information” should be entered here. This will require you to list your greatest level of education completed as well as whether or not you are a member of a union or professional association.

How to Login into EI?

  • GCKey is a service that allows you to register. Use GCKey to gain access to a variety of online services provided by the Government of Canada.
  • Make an account with your bank. Log in using your online banking credentials (Sign-in
  • Make a registration with your province.
  • Make use of your digital ID from your province.

How to report your EI?

If you begin working before finishing your current EI claim, you must notify us after you finish your bi-weekly EI report so that we can alter or terminate your claim, depending on whether the work is full-time, part-time, or contract work. When you are laid off, you can reactivate your EI claim and continue to receive your bi-weekly payments if the work is short-term or contract.

To verify your eligibility and collect benefits to which you may be entitled, you must submit bi- weekly reports. If you don’t, you risk losing your benefits.

How long does EI last?

To be eligible for EI benefits, people must work a specified number of hours. If you worked 700 hours or more during your qualifying period, you are normally eligible for Employment Insurance compensation. If you worked between 420 and 700 hours during your qualifying period, you may be eligible for EI. If you worked less than 420 hours during your qualifying period, you will not be eligible for EI.

If you claimed for benefits earlier and your application was accepted during the last 52 weeks, the 52-week period immediately before the start date of your claim or the period from the start of a previous benefit period to the start of your new benefit period. If you quit your work willingly, were dismissed for misbehavior, or were laid off as a result of a strike or lockout, you may not be eligible for Employment Insurance.

Is EI Taxable?

Payments from the EI are taxable, which means that the government will deduct taxes from them. Find out how the government calculates your EI compensation in great detail. If you come from a low-income family, you may be eligible for additional benefits. Learn more about how to get the most out of the family supplement.

How many hours do you need for EI?

All regions in Canada have a minimum unemployment rate of 13.1 percent. If the unemployment rate in your area is higher than 13.1 percent, we’ll compute your benefits using the higher actual rate. You’ll earn a one-time credit of 300 insured hours to assist you to fulfil the needed 420 insured hours of work, so you’ll only need 120 insured hours to qualify for benefits. You’ll get at least $500 every week before taxes, but you could get more. You’ll get regular benefits for up to 50 weeks.

The 52-week term to accumulate ensured hours will be extended if you obtained the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).

How to cancel EI?

1. If you are applying for a new job :


  • It may be difficult to cancel the claim using your My Service Canada Account if you have secured a new permanent job (MSCA). However, there are a few options available to you.
  • You can indicate that you have found full-time work on your next EI report, which will cover the week you returned to work. You are telling the system, and action will be taken as a result of your actions. The system will pay you up to the day you returned to work before closing your claim.
  • You can also reach out to the EI call center directly. You can ask the call center agent to manually stop your claim during this call. This option is appropriate for claimants who are not required to complete an EI report.

2. If you are submitting a new claim:

You do not have to start the application over if you are canceling an existing claim to start a new one. You must call the EI call center at 1-800-206-7218 to cancel your current claim. Keep in mind that after you’ve decided to cancel your EI, you won’t be able to change your mind. Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. is the optimal time to call the EI call center. Summing up

Canadians have continued to benefit from employment insurance through difficult times. However, if you need to cancel your claim, you should consult with an EI agent to determine the best course of action.

If you want to resume your EI claim after it has been stopped, you will need to re-apply through the online application. If you started a new EI claim during the last 52 weeks and there are still unpaid weeks owed to you. When you complete the EI application, the claim will be immediately reinstated.

You can get support with your EI application from a variety of settlement agencies. Go to Services Near Me and search for “Settlement Services” in your area to locate assistance in your area.

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