Animal Control officer 

The City of Toronto has released a notice of hiring eligible applicants for the post of animal control officer. Persons who are eligible and willing to join this post can apply for this post. They’re appointed at this post to initiate and conduct joint inspections and/or investigations with City divisions, confidentially law enforcement agencies, and provincial organizations. Registration for this post has already started and it will end soon.

Employer Name: City of Toronto
Animal Control Officer
No. of vacancies:
$39.88 per hour
Employment Type:
Various locations in Canada

Job Description 

  • Candidates are accountable at this post to attends court and other quasi-judicial bodies to provide evidence working at this post.
  • They’re also accountable for conducting inspections and investigations and removing animal cadavers from public and private property that may present a risk to public safety.
  • People who applied for this post are required to interact with the public, other law enforcement agencies, solicitors, and the City and other government officials/agencies working at this post.
  • Applicants who applied for this post are also appointed to participates in the delivery of public education programs and animal services events working at this post.
  • Candidates who applied for this post are required to promote responsible pet ownership through the delivery of animal services programs working at this post.
  •  People who applied for this post are appointed to utilize computer systems to input, maintain and retrieve data City records, and other information technologies related to animal services working at this post.

Job requirement 

  • Candidates interested at this post must attain a dedicated post-secondary education in a related discipline like Law enforcement, Municipal by-law and Criminology to be eligible for this post.
  • Applicants must attain experience working directly with animals and must possess and maintain a valid Province of Ontario Class “G” Driver’s License to be eligible for this post.
  • They must attain dedicated experience in law enforcement preparing investigation reports, identifying and applying relevant municipal chapters and various legislations to be eligible for this post.

Work setting 

  • Candidates who applied for this post must have knowledge and understanding of the by-laws and legislative requirements related to animal services core functions to be eligible for this post.

How to apply 

Applicants who are interested and eligible to join this post are required to click on the Apply Now link shared below. The best and most deserving candidates will be selected for further proceedings. Officials will shortlist and notify the selected candidates for further proceedings.

Apply now


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